On November 20th I was driving home from work and noticed the unmistakable twinkliness (I am aware that isn't an actual word) of a Christmas tree illuminating someones front window.
Sure I was listening (and singing along) to Christmas music in my car but that's not the point is it?
Regardless, I judged the unknown occupants of that house because we all know November 20th is just too flaming early to have your Christmas tree up.
I recall guffawing at their stupidity because it was a living tree and it's chances of surviving until December 25th were highly unlikely.
Every day as I drove home I would stare in complete disbelief at their ridiculously early Christmas tree erection. Even when December 1st rolled around and I put our tree up (totally for the kids benefit of course) I still thought about those crazy folks on the next street who had beat me to it by 1o days.
Soon all the world was a place of twinkly lighted beauty and the ridiculously early Christmas decorators were lost from my thoughts.
New Years Day rolled around and we took our decorations down.
I noticed others must have done the same.
Gradually all the twinkly lights disappeared.
All the twinkly lights but one house.
The crazy folks house.
January 10th came around and their illuminated tree (which hadn't yet died as I predicted, apparently I do not possess the wealth of Christmas tree knowledge that I had previously assigned myself) still had pride of place in the window.
Surely this wasn't normal behaviour.
Then the cogs in my brain started turning. This definitely wasn't normal behaviour.
Obviously whoever occupied that house had died during the Christmas season.
Surely that was the only explanation as to why these people were still enjoying Christmas when the rest of us were anxiously anticipating the arrival of Spring.
On my birthday 3 days later. I noticed the tree was still there but not lit.
Evidence that the occupant was very much still alive, right?
Well that or they'd been dead for so long and hadn't paid their electricity bill that their supplier disconnected them.
A week on the tree still stood there sad and un-illuminated.
Several times I had to force myself not to share my theory with my friend who is a police officer (and has filled my mind of stories of decomposing corpses being eaten by their own pets) in the hopes that he'd go discover the truth and all would be right in the world once more.
Instead I just forced myself to drive by without looking at the house.
Today I looked.
The tree was gone and I came to the conclusion that the most likely explanation is simply that I am a massive drama queen.
The truth hurts!