I am off the wagon.
Last week I only exercised 3 times though I did do the hike to school 6 times.
Remember how I said I broke my chocolate purchasing habit?
Well it seems in these times of financial hardship Cadbury just couldn't survive without my custom.
So those bigwigs at Cadbury must have had a top secret important meeting to discuss how to entice me back.
I was out shopping recently and saw the unfamiliar wrapping so glanced to see what is was....
Why ruin some perfectly delicious Cadbury chocolate (and I mean the the REALLY good British stuff not that other stuff that masquerades as Cadbury in the USA) by inserting cranberries and granola? A travesty.
But then fast forward to Friday evening and a trip to the in laws house and in response to a request from his grandson for treats my father in law (a chocolate lover/devourer) returns with an entire box of the new pretend healthy chocolate bars, as well as some others that he gave to the kids.
He offered me a bar. I was intrigued and it was free so I took it.
It would have been rude to refuse, right?
Sadly, it was delicious.
So in an attempt to maintain his own waistline he asked me to do him a favour and sent me home with 6 more bars.
Six bars that barely lasted me until Sunday lunch.
In my somewhat weak defence Cranberries are actually a super food and just think of all the good I'm doing my urinary tract.
Plus with the rate I am devouring them I am assuming I can now count cranberries as one of my five a day.
I guess every cloud really does have a silver lining.

29 lovely comments:
That sounds truly yummy. :)
That stuff is flippin' magic. I want to petition them to bring back the Fuse bar.
Ok, so just reading your post is making me crave chocolate!!
I'll agree that somehow the cranberries seem wrong, but if they are truly that good it must be worth a shot!! :)
sounds like a good way to end "healthy week"...
wow - you've got me laughing now! and I am off the wagon too! i dont really care for chips or chocolate. but for the past week i've craved both. and wouldn't ya know it - it's almost halloween here in the states, so all the stores are sticked with mini-candies. can't be that bad, eh? well - not if you don't eat the entire bag....burp!
I am personaly a sucker for German chocolate---American chocolate excluding maybe Vosges is just nasty ;)
Just exercise an extra time and you'll be OK.
I notice you are reading 'A Tree Grows in Brooklyn' I love that book--is it a book club?
I've only ever had real Cadbury chocolate once. It was scrumptious. The cranberry granola bar sounds wonderful.
English chocolate is about the best the whole world has to offer and since I get to have it now once in a blue moon (whatever that means!!) I think you should go ahead and have my share. I'd rather you have it than some complete stranger!!! And I know what you say about your motabolism slowing down but I really reckon your hips could handle it better than mine!! Enjoy and when you are eating it think of me who now has this poop american stuff to contend with!! xxx
I love cranberries and chocolate, it really is de lic ious.
And I'm so with you on American chocolate that's why I can only do dark chocolate.
Yum, do I have any more chocolate in the house?
Go brush your teeth!
Would you please have a giveaway for a couple of those bars? I love Cadbury chocolate and I love granola. That evil beast is calling my name. Must have one.
Between that and Wispas being back, I am so screwed!
I would definitely count 'em! :)
Had one today and they are yummy as heck!!! This won't help my diet you know!! :)
I need to find someone who gives away chocolate and considers it being a favor to him...
And also, the Cadburry here in America is nasty!! How are they not the same thing between here and there?
You are sooo funny! I love it, and i totally wouldn't think that the cranberries and chocolate would taste good...
You know that cadbury fruit and nut is my fave!
You're dangerous - have just bought a rather large bar, only got through half of it because OH grabbed the other half.
Very yummy!
Oooh, those sound yummy! Wonder if we'll be getting them over here soon? If not, will have to enlist the help of family and friends to send me some in time for the holidays!
Hmmm...chocolate and cranberry sounds healthy enough, but I'm going to have to try it to make sure it is tasty enough. I'm thinking the Cadbury people should get with your people and donate a bunch of boxes for a giveaway.
Sounds delish! And with cranberries it has to be healthy, right?
That would be enough to get me to cheat on my diet. for once i am glad i live in america. At least this way Mr diet won't hate me for cheating.
I second the giveaway! It's just not fair that you get to eat Cadbury chocolate whenever you feel like it and all of us over here across the ocean have to listen to you talk about it while drooling. I remember Cadbury from my stay in London, and it was by far the best most mouthwatering chocolate I've ever had. SHARE!!!
Whoa! That chocolate bar looks delicious! I don't think I've seen those around the stores here...I only see Cadbury stuff around easter timer
That's how I feel about Raisinets.
you know, as an american i didn't know that our chocolate was bad. after having tried some chocolates from germany and belgium and can now understand how terrible our chocolate is. the worst is hershey's, but they are also the cheapest, so that's what we get in our household. i don't know if i've ever had good cadbury chocolate.
Ohhh, a giveaway for the bars! That sounds fun!
You are hilarious.
The bars sound delish.
Must. have. one.
Or ten.
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