Thursday, 10 July 2008

Awesome:Part Deux

I know I probably don't praise my husband enough.

Last night I was out at Enrichment (a social ladies Church meeting of sorts), we were learning the skillful art of bread making. A million years ago when Rob's grandparents were newlyweds his Grandad worked as a baker. So he was on hand to share with us the tricks of the trade.

I came home with 1 and a half loaves of freshly baked bread and proceeded to eat most of it topped with a ridiculously unhealthy amount of butter.

While I was out Rob did the most romantic thing imaginable.

Bought me flowers?






What he actually did was far more impressive.

He did all the ironing. (Even the things I never do like Pajama's.)

Did I mention I'm not a traditional romantic?

I honestly couldn't have been more thrilled, dumbfounded or proud of my choice of spouse.

I have only recently started to iron myself.

I don't enjoy it (but is it supposed to be enjoyable?) and I only do it out of necessity.

Mostly so the kids look presentable and their friends don't ask them why their clothes have wrinkles in them.

May the untraditional romance in this household long live on.

17 lovely comments:

jOni lAnE said...

Argh. I hate ironing. My husband just took a new job where he has to dress up everyday (he used to be super casual at his old work...flops and all) Anyways. I have JUST started doing his ironing...but I feel so good about myself while doing it. He knows how much I dislike it, so it's a "sacrifice of love."

Melissa said...

Love it! I sure wish we had that kind of romance going on over here!

May the romance in your household long live on indeed! :)

Becky said...

How fab!!! I've never in my life even contemplated ironing pj's! Ian does all the ironing in our house- I'm gonna keep him away from your blog for a while in case he realises it's not the norm and has a sudden change of routine. It's took a lot over the last few years to keep up the charade.

Miss Lisa said...

I find that incredibly romantic :)

Simply Shannon said...

I am so jealous that I actually hate you at the moment! I don't think that Kevin even knows how to turn our iron on. Practically the only conversation we seem to have lately is him trying out some new way to ask me to do the ironing. He's constantly scheming and bargaining with me to get me to do it. I HATE IRONING! I think that I would actually faint if I came home to discover that he had done what Rob did! You lucky bitch.
Oh well, I suppose you do deserve it so I'll forgive you this once.

Kristen said...

Um yeah, your hubby? He is a keeper!

Seriously, ironing??

That is unbelieveably awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

Ironing is the WORST! I put it off as long as I can. Yea Rob! He's a keeper!

Anonymous said...

Well, I thought the bat story was incredible. Now you are blogging about husbands ironing?? Where do you find these strange topics? I think I'd have more of a chance of finding the bat than my husband willingly doing housework without me nagging him.

(Actually he does iron his own clothes because 1. He actually goes somewhere that people might care. 2. I detest it the job so he pretty much has to do it to look presentable.)

AMY said...

David would consider it a huge treat if he came home and I had ironed even one thing. I do despise ironing! Go Rob.

Jen said...

That is incredibly romantic. I just love a man who does housework. (Really I do, his name is Alex, and when he does it, I am on cloud nine.)

Anonymous said...

A man who irons pajamas. I love it. That is romance.

Tyne said...

Ironing!? That is sooooo romantic! Seriously, when you have kids, any kind of housework is romantic, but ironing tops it all. Happy POW

Wendi said...

He. is. a. keeper.

Does he hire out?

I could use some ironing around here.

I love this post.

If I come home and find my husband doing something like sweeping, or vacuuming, or washing the dishes, I...

a)pass out!
b)pick myself up off the floor!
c)Profess my love to him and announce that I have never been more physically attracted to him in my life.

If they only understood how incredibly sexy cleaning is... they would do it more often.

Don't you agree?

Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

Totally romantic! I guess if we're going by your definition, I should never complain again about lack of romance in this house - Ben does the laundry AND the ironing! And I DO love him for it! Yay for fresh baked bread and freshly ironed jammies!

Unknown said...

Oh, you lucky girl! That is by far way more romantic than anything else!!

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

We could so be friends! I do not iron either. I cannot even tell you the last time I ironed. I do the dryer thing with a damp towel to get wrinkles out...and if something absolutely has to be ironed (like for a wedding), my hubby will do it, no questions asked. We've been married for 12 years now so he knows how much I hate it. There's no better way to a woman's heart than for husbands to do a little surprise housework , especially ironing!

Anonymous said...

my jaw dropped a little when i got to the punchline. (and i don't even know Rob)

but that is the MOST beautiful thing. possibly ever.